Sunday, July 18, 2010

Preanesthetic check up:

A detail history taking and physical examination with or without investigation prior to any surgery is 'preanesthetic check up'. This is an essential step prior to anesthesia in an attempt to decrease the morbidity and mortality related to anesthesia and surgery. After completion of clinical examination choice of anesthetic technique is discussed in detail to the patient in the presence of guardian along with possible details of risks.

Pre-anesthetic visit (consultation) FAQs

Please note that the following guidelines apply to all patients having surgery under general and local (regional) anesthesia at Tilganga Eye Center and other institution to be conducted by Dr Resham B Rana. These are general guidelines only. Specific conditions may require specific needs.

What is a "Pre-Anesthetic Visit or Consultation"
Pre-Anesthetic Visit or Consultation is the visit by the patient to the pre-op clinic to meet an anesthesiologist before anesthesia and surgery. During this visit, a medical history pertaining to the surgery and anesthesia is obtained, necessary laboratory tests and other tests like Blood tests, Electrocardiogram, X-rays etc. are obtained or ordered and a discussion as to the type of anesthetic risks etc. is held with the patient. The patients are familiarized with the upcoming surgery and anesthesia.

Why is it necessary?

The purpose of the visit is to make sure that you are in optimum condition to undergo surgery and anesthesia. This visit will also familiarize you with some of the events that will take place during the day of surgery. It probably will make you more comfortable and reduce your anxiety. Knowing your health status will allow the anesthesiologists to "fine tune" the anesthetic to your needs and take necessary precautions to ensure a safe anesthetic course. Also, this visit allows us to order necessary laboratory work so that the results are ready prior to the surgery and it may give us time to correct some of these abnormalities or arrange for additional tests or consultations if deemed necessary. If the surgery needs to be postponed in the event of an abnormal physical examination and or laboratory data, it will cause minimum disruption in the schedule.